
Assorted Fruit TreeπŸŽπŸ‹πŸ‡


She makes him pay dearly, for one of her three, when clearly, her apples weren’t from the same tree.
After trying her feet in multiple shoes, she clings, to her storyline’s, equipped of mist.
As water works become truth,like DNA testing, doesn’t exist,
Never once worrying, that he’ll stray far from her kiss,
For in her friendliness toward other’s, his eyes forever miss. HeΒ swears by his unbalanced instinct, she waits, soley for him, when it’s obvious her randomness, Β Β got caught up in her dresses hem.

She can’t fool his mother, unblinded, and untrusting, in her attempts,Β 

as she’s told him since the first meeting, he should be nothing more, than this girl’s pimp.Β 

Her multiple rooted fruit tree, has assorted apples, lemons, and haste, even a grapevine is visible crawling wildly, asΒ naive eyes, keep her reputation, rooted inside a supportive place.

Life lesson Poetry- By Tamara Moore

Copyright Β© 2017



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