

Many high off racism, 

low on humanity. 

Drunk off protest, 

yet tired of standing

10 million men and boys missing, 

for black market parts, 

as the rich don’t stand in line, 

if they need a heart. 

Years of cloned meat, hard to digest. While Fema camps are present, 

due to social unrest.

In social media, attention is the new vanity. 

While our banking system and computers are hacked, the dropped dollar’s values in calamity.

Once again..God’s been put on the back burner, as history repeats.

While satan roams this World destroying all the peace.

Forgotten are the curses, 

to be fulfilled by completed prophecy, 

as most are back to idolatry worship, of everything, from A-Z.

Paranoid of the paranormal, while terrified by truth. 

Prisons fully funded, built for the innocent and our youth.

Children are taken from parents, 

for reason’s unknown, 

while staffed pedophiles premeditate, how to get your child  alone. 

Violence, brutality and death looms, 

like a huge cloud, 

as steel birds fly overhead  sprinkling illneses and anger over the crowd’s. 
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, so we can mourn for sec, 

but miss the point of this,

day to day.

Angered by school closings, and lacked education, while blighted buildings top priority list, 

trumping hunger, as bribes run a City’s dedication. 

Marriages no longer honored, 

unless a rainbow flag is raised, 

questioning everything, 

but ignoring proof, that shows  government rotten as a decayed tooth.

Saddened by the foreclosures, that keep homelessness on the rise, 

yet watching out for visiting celebrities chipped, who’ve ulimately lost their minds.

Mouths full of contempt, hope falls low, heart’s at there coldest, eyes remain closed.

Priorities scattered, by a jumbled past, false prophets steadily instruct inaccuracies, so we must relearn fast. 

Time for unity in our present lives, as division was the ending.

For some generations remember the curse, that’s still actually pending.
What’s the contents of your thoughts, does it seem pretty accurate, far off, or bigger issues unlisted ?
By Tamara L Dorsey-Moore

Thinker on the Loose~

Copyright 2016 Reserved purposes intended for Tamara Moore

#Deuteronomy29:12-21 just in case ❤ Topics/My Thoughts/ controversial/ Issues

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